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Embodied Healing Group

Public·10 members

M E R C Y The honor of Mercy is to willingly extend forgiveness to that which diminishes sovereignty. In this rite of choice, we renegotiate our Will from entrapment and re-dedicate it to what is honorable in the name of wholeness. To be merciful, the bitterness, the control, the withholding of truth, light, grace, and wisdom must be reconciled in choice. When we are learning this process of forgiveness, the choice to be radically response able and accountable to the laws Divine Natrural order is the bravery that discomfort guides us to for reconciling back into empowerment. The blueprint of Christ consciousness houses the authority to access highest truth that serves wholeness when our Will is upholding misalignment. To receive new knowing in the flow of compassion, we can rely on the Christ consciousness blueprint to connect our being to the highest truth of the matter at hand. F…

As this eclipse season brings us into the masculine energy alignment of Divine Natural order, we are coming home to our empowered self in our authentic soul blueprint. This is requesting us to reclaim and dedicate our will back to free choice of the heart's wisdom which serves authentic sovereignty.

This introduction to the solar plexus is the beginning of an in depth journey. Navigating us through our ability to internalize love, metabolize anger to will, and so much more.

I hope this introduction can start to facilitate an awareness of how we alchemize into empowerment.

If you are interested in the comprehensive Embodied Will Master class reach our to join the membership for access.

Lots of love,

Sarah | Re-Source
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